the founder of Sikhism: Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism and the successor of the ten Gurus, was born on April 15, 1469. He was born at Rai Bhoi Ki Talwandi, now called Nankana Sahib, 65 km southwest of Lahore in Pakistan. His father, Mehta Kalyan Das Bedi, commonly known as Mehta Kalu, was a Bedi Khatri by caste and a Patwari (village accountant) in the service of Rai Bhullar, a local Muslim chief. He was a worried child who asked questions about the purpose of life at the age of five, at the age of seven he was sent to learn the alphabet in a Pandit and two years later, he became a cleric - a Muslim teacher, Persian and Went to learn Arabic, he surprised his teacher by writing a deep philosophical and mystical puzzle poem, he was always absorbed in his thoughts, At one point, he was given the task of caring for the animals. Later, they became absorbed in their worship. The cattle grazed in the farmer's fields and they ruined the crop. The disgruntled farmer took him to the village head, Rai ...